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Friday, December 26, 2014

Society's Take On Infidelity

Why is it acceptable that men cheat? People even say that it's "normal", that it's part of a relationship. When did it become a given—an established fact?  If a man does it, he's a player, but when a woman does it, she's a dirty slut. An irresponsible wife/mom/human being. She's treated like trash, the lowest of the low, and she'll live with the shame the rest of her life, no matter how much she's repented for it. Men, on the other hand, get to have bragging rights. How seriously messed up is that?
Image via

When men cheat, it is the women's responsibility to "forgive and forget" and give a second chance. In fact, it seems as if we’re REQUIRED to do so. If we don’t, we’re heartless, or worse, we get told that if we can't forgive, then we’re not worth it. Like, seriously? We deserve getting cheated on, because we can’t forgive cheating? 

It’s very rarely that a man forgives the woman or try to win her back. If she sleeps with someone else, it’s automatic eviction from the Big Brother house. We can’t blame the man, either, coz if he takes the girl back, other men would diss him for being weak, a pushover, for not satisfying his woman enough that she had to  look for it from another man. Ego is everything for most men, and they can just as easily find a replacement anyway, so why bother playing the martyr, right?

Why do men get a free pass, but women gets prosecuted for it? Cheating is cheating, no matter which gender does it. #whatswrongwithsociety

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Random Musings: Blog Naming

Don’t you just hate it when you come up with a smart, unique blog name and when you type it on a search engine to know if the URL’s available, you find out that it’s already in use? 
Image courtesy of Ambro at

Like, seriously, is your imagination that underdeveloped that what you thought to be original, someone’s already thought of earlier?

And worse, you find out that the blog only has 1-2 posts in it! Dude, you’re wasting this catchy blog URL! L

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

On Infidelity and My Fear of Commitment: Why I Cancelled My Own Wedding

Why do people cheat?
This seems like one of those questions that people ask themselves at least once in their life—whether they were the ones who did the cheating, the ones who’d been cheated on, or ‘just because’. In fact, the issue of infidelity is such a surefire way of rousing emotions in the general public, especially on women, that a lot of books, movies, and TV shows have incorporated the concept in their plots. (‘Two Wives’, ‘No Other Woman’, ‘The Legal Wife’, anyone?)

Image courtesy of t0zz at

So, really, why do people do it?